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Based on reallymoving data from January 2021 to May 2023
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Average distance moved:
51 miles
This data is shared by reallymoving customers who used our Chartered Surveyors in Maldon. It shows the average Maldon property price, the number of rooms in the property, how many home movers chose a Chartered Surveyor in this area, and how far they moved for the Maldon property.
How do I choose a good surveyor in Maldon?
Choose a surveyor with RICS accreditation, especially those experienced with properties in Essex, including coastal homes, historic buildings, and new developments. Leveraging local estate agent recommendations and online reviews can help you find a surveyor with the appropriate local knowledge.
What is the difference between a surveyor and a chartered surveyor?
A surveyor can conduct property assessments, but a chartered surveyor has met the professional standards of RICS, ensuring a higher guarantee of their expertise and professionalism, beneficial for evaluating properties in this historic and coastal town.
What are the red flags on a house survey?
Key issues to watch for include signs of structural damage, dampness, condition of the roof, outdated electrical and plumbing installations, and flood risk for properties close to the water.
Can a surveyor devalue a house?
Surveyors issue valuations based on the property's condition. Significant problems uncovered might necessitate a valuation adjustment to accurately reflect the property's market value.
Do I need to use a Chartered Surveyor in Maldon?
Yes, using a Chartered Surveyor is recommended for a detailed assessment, particularly for properties within conservation areas, those of historical significance, or located in flood-prone zones.
Do surveyors go in the loft?
Yes, inspecting the loft is standard practice to assess the condition of the roof and insulation, provided there's safe access.
Are surveyors' valuations accurate?
Property valuations are generally reliable, based on thorough inspections and an understanding of the specific challenges and values of properties in coastal areas.
Do I need a Level 2 or Level 3 survey?
A Level 2 survey is appropriate for newer, well-maintained homes, while a Level 3 survey is advisable for older properties or those requiring extensive repairs, especially relevant for homes with historical value or those in close proximity to the coast.
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