Moving Cost Calculator

Get an estimate of the cost of your move using our Moving Cost Calculator.

  • No personal details required
  • Get estimates in 60 seconds
  • We’ve helped 2,882,915 movers since 1999
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Please note that VAT has been added where applicable

Conveyancing Disbursements

‘Disbursements’ are the extra costs that your solicitor will need to pass on to you at the end of the buying or selling process. These costs should be similar between all conveyancing solicitors. Read our guide on the most common disbursements for more information.

Additional Information

These costs are calculated on the basic fees charged by the solicitors, surveyors, removals and EPC partners on reallymoving. The figures displayed are based on the information you have provided and should only be used as a guide. There may be other costs you need to consider, like additional conveyancing searches, a more in-depth survey, or things like packing and storage charges.

Are you thinking about buying and/or selling your property?

Buying or selling a property doesn’t have to be difficult. Our moving cost calculator can give you an estimate of the different costs, so you’ll be prepared when the time comes to buy or sell your house.

Simply answer a few quick questions, including the property price and size, and whether it’s leasehold or freehold, and we’ll calculate an estimate for your house move.

Once you’ve entered all the relevant information, we can calculate the average costs for an EPC, conveyancing fees, survey costs, removals and Stamp Duty.

To save you time and money on your home move, you can also get instant quotes for conveyancers, surveyors and removals companies in your area. Meaning you get the best price for local providers as quickly as possible.